where's the beef? || save prince 2016

Born lactose intolerant, in critical care, and forced to be separated from his mother, Prince-opotamus had to fight to stay alive. His thirst for life quickly won the hearts of the farmers and veterinarians who spent around the clock care nursing him back to health. Although he is beloved and revered as an anomaly, his current location can no longer afford him and haven't the space even if they could. So, happy and healthy, at 19-months-old this beautiful, loving, and affectionate bull will be slaughtered for beef in December... unless we take action and fund his life (https://www.gofundme.com/2ec7qt6c).
Please help us save a truly remarkable animal, by rewriting Prince's life into the Love Story ending he deserves. We've already found a home, so help him and he will in turn help many others at his new location on Fountain House Farms, where his special abilities will help mentally ill patients receive the love and tenderness they need. Together we can transform a loving life, rescuing him from the slaughter house and delivering him to his new home as a facility therapy pet to love and be loved by so many in need.
(ps, after launching the go fund me campaign two weeks ago we have since driven 8 hours in 105 degree heat with no ac back to the farm just to capture this footage. Simply put, we love this cause, Prince is absolutely worth it. Thank you for watching - anything/everything helps even if that's just sharing the posts/pages/video or just spreading the word. Our sincere thanks Sylvia Holden & Davin Ché (minimal hustle).
You can find the "Where's The Beef?" Save Prince The Bull unisex (non-bin) t-shirt [HERE], or fitted she/her t-shirt [HERE]. Or please feel to contact us directly to discuss additional colorways or customization options to design your own 1/1 piece. [contact]
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