no fear || nina simone

Nina Simone, “Freedom, Is No Fear” print. This is a collaboration created from an interpretive painted portrait of Eunice Kathleen Waymon, known professionally as Nina Simone [an American singer, songwriter, pianist, and civil rights activist] made from a local San Francisco artist Lea Magdangal and designed || graphically illustrated by d3P0 exclusively for minimal hustle.
This design is a five-color [5 screens] print, giving us the versatility to silkscreen on both light and dark color apparel and appliqué components to endlessly create individual custom 1/1 pieces. It includes the signature hummingbird headband and background text comprised of the lyrics to the 1962 song, “Sinnerman.”
Nina Simone "Freedom is no fear & Sinnerman," custom t-shirt [b/w featured]
Painting by, Lea Magdangal [view more l.magdangal works]
Lea Magdangal: The common thread of my work is sensuality brought through my Queer/ LatinX roots. Living as a Queer youth in San Francisco, the tragedies and triumphs from the 70's through 90's has influenced me drastically in ways I'm still discovering. The pockets of time beyond this have honed my vision for the future and the forecast is an art practice filled with Mythology and our existence on Mother Earth.
Please contact directly to discuss colorways and additional appliqué component options to design and customize your own 1/1 piece. [contact]
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